Knit or crochet for the pro-life cause!
Send a handmade hat to a Member of Parliament in memory of a child lost to abortion in Canada.
MP Lookup Tool

Approximately 100,000 abortions happen every year in Canada. These precious children should not be ignored or forgotten. Use your creative talent to remind your MP of the humanity of pre-born children.
Knit or crochet a baby hat and send it to your MP with a message that the hat was made in memory of a child lost to abortion. You can download our printable message below, or write your own note to go with the hat. Feel free to use any pattern and colours you like! Encourage your MP to donate the hat to a local hospital or pregnancy care centre in their area.
If you are able to make more than one hat for this cause, that’s amazing! Our handy MP Lookup Tool will automatically generate the names of 3 MPs who have not yet received a hat – if you want more than 3 names, you can refresh the page and enter your name again!
We would love to hear from you if you participate in this challenge! Email us at [email protected] to let us know how many hats you are making, or to share photos of your work. You can also tag us on social media (@weneedalaw) so we can see the work being done to keep this issue alive in Canada.