
18/04/2012 / Uncategorised 

Image1-WelcomeCanada is the only nation in the Western world without an abortion law. Canada provides no legal protection for pre-born humans and it’s time to address this appalling fact. It’s ironic that our leaders repeatedly, and rightly so, call out other countries for their human rights violations, and yet Canada is one of the only countries in the world without any legal protection for children in the womb.


While we still don’t have an abortion law, we know that more than three quarters of Canadians want some protection for children in the womb. Canadians find the current situation unacceptable, and more and more of us want something done about it. The gap between public opinion and public policy regarding abortion legislation is growing.

Canada needs abortion legislation! It’s high time this country came in line with our international counterparts, and has a law protecting children in the womb.

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