Young and Passionate!

18/05/2012 / blog posts 


alissagolobThe face of the pro-life movement is changing and it’s only a matter of time before the current state of affairs is altered forever. As the Toronto Star aptly pointed out in this surprising article, “No longer just grey-haired activists holding signs outside abortion clinics, the pro-life movement has undergone a savvy, youthful makeover.” Canada’s youth, those who made it out of their mother’s womb, will not accept the status quo regarding abortion and are determined to see change when it comes to legal protection for pre-born humans. Young Canadians like Alissa Golob (pictured on left) of Campaign Life Coalition , and Jonathon Van Maren from the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform are at the forefront of this re-energized effort to end the killing in Canada.

As Alissa describes in this post I saw on Facebook today, “If you are young and pro-life you can make a difference. A huge difference. All you need is a voice. I challenge you to use it.” Our nation is richer because of the contributions of Jonathon and Alissa, and encourages all Canadians to follow the example that the youth are setting before us. Everyone needs to use their voice to make this happen, and we’ve provided the tools to enable you to do just that!


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