

We mobilize Canadians and persuade our political leaders to pass laws that protect children before birth.

Canada is the only democracy in the world which provides no legal protection for pre-born humans. This is a sad reflection on a country that prides itself on a high standard of human rights.  We know that the majority of Canadians want some protection for children in the womb. The gap between public opinion and public policy regarding abortion legislation is growing, and we need to increase pressure on our government to take action to end the injustice of almost 100,000 deaths each year in Canada.

We are a gathering place where parliamentarians, organizations and all Canadians can come together with the shared purpose of providing a loud and clear message that we need to do all we can to legally protect pre-born children.

Baby in Womb

When we speak up, our neighbours and our leaders are emboldened to speak up too.

Your donation means that our voices for the pre-born will never be silent.

We are so thankful for all our donors who make this work possible. The We Need a Law campaign is an initiative of The Association for Reformed Political Action (ARPA) Canada. We are overseen by a national Board of Directors that ensures we are accountable for all funds raised. You can be confident that the money you give supports ongoing pro-life advocacy and grassroots efforts as we call for legislation protecting pre-born children in Canada.

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