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Canadian youth create powerful billboard!

11/01/2013 / blog posts 

This is an exciting initiative which is sure to motivate other Canadian youth to get involved in speaking up for pre-born children!

Every year grade 7 & 8 students at a Southern Ontario school organize a class fundraiser with the beneficiary being any number of organizations. This past fall these eleven students decided that a portion of the proceeds they raised would be used to promote by way of a large highway sign. As you can see from the photo below, they put their design skills to work in creating the message. After having an class competition to see who could come up with the most impactful design they combined several ideas which resulted in this powerful billboard! It is now standing along a major highway in the Chatham-Kent area.

Thank you students, for your leadership in speaking for those who have no voice!

Chatham students pro-life display-2

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