MP Woodworth Challenges Putting Abortion Ahead of Human Equality

17/05/2013 / blog posts 

Member of Parliament Stephen Woodworth has not ceased in engaging in the struggle for human rights for all human beings. Here follows his latest press release, a challenge to Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada spokesperson Joyce Arthur.

Press Release

For Immediate Publication

May 17, 2013

MP Woodworth Challenges Putting Abortion Ahead of Human Equality

OTTAWA, Ontario Stephen Woodworth, Member of Parliament for Kitchener Centre responded today to Abortion Rights Coalition’s Joyce Arthur’s reported comments about his proposal “that the Parliament of Canada declare that the equal worth and dignity of everyone must be recognized by Canadian law based on their inherent nature as a human being.”

“Women’s rights are enhanced by affirming human equality and dignity, not threatened as Joyce Arthur suggests,” Woodworth said.

Woodworth points out that by focusing on the single issue of abortion protection, the Abortion Rights Coalition is taking positions which are more and more extreme and unreasonable, citing the following:

  1. They opposed specifically criminalizing coercion of women.
  2. They advocated sheltering Canada’s 400 year old, medieval definition of human being from twenty-first century science and understanding.
  3. They sought limitations on the already limited role of backbench MPs.
  4. They opposed allowing Parliament the opportunity to condemn discrimination against women through gender selection.
  5. They try to suppress the right of MP’s and others to publicly discuss issues.
  6. They have caused the repeal of transparency and accountability laws on abortion.

“Now it appears that Ms. Arthur’s abortion group even proposes that their concern with abortion trumps the democratic value of affirming universal human equality,” said Woodworth. “As we have discovered, this approach to abortion mirrors the approach of North Korea and Vietnam. Canadians are catching on to the dangers of such extremist views.”


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