You have 2 weeks left!

03/02/2015 / Action Items 

There are still two weeks to send your thoughts to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. If you haven’t been following it up until now here is a great link to get up to speed on why it’s so important that you get involved.

From the ARPA Canada website:

Do you live in Ontario and have a pro-life family doctor? If you value his survival, then you need to speak out NOW! The ancient Hippocratic oath which essentially required that a doctor, first of all, do no harm has been transformed into his professional obligation to do harm in certain situations. For example, he must either perform abortions or refer to another doctor who will. My understanding is that this requirement will also be in place for prescription of contraceptives, mutilation for sex changes, and also death by euthanasia (which has increasing likelihood of being legalized by the Supreme Court of Canada).

February 20th is the final day to submit your comments. Please use these talking points and act now!

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