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This week, London, Ontario is being blitzed with the message that girls need defending – including pre-born girls. New bus ads have gone up on city buses stating, “We’re for women’s rights.” The image shows three born women of various ages with the word “Hers” underneath them, alongside an ultrasound image with the words “And hers.” The ad directs people to DefendGirls.com, where they can learn more about the practice of sex selective abortion and what it means for women’s equality.
Sex selective abortion refers to the practice of having an abortion because of the sex of the pre-born child. While it can target both boys and girls as parents try to build their “designer family,” statistics are clear that girls are targeted for abortion more frequently than boys. This is a worldwide problem, and there is evidence that this practice also occurs in Canada. In a country that values gender equality, there should be no room for this kind of sexism.
In conjunction with this bus ad campaign, local pro-life supporters are putting up lawn signs with a companion image, spreading the message right into their communities.
Polls consistently show that more than 80% of Canadians agree that sex selective abortion is wrong. This is more consensus than Canadians have on almost any other issue! Yet our laws do not reflect this reality, in part because our leaders are hesitant to talk about abortion, and in part because many Canadians have no idea that sex selection is happening.

MP Cathay Wagantall (Yorkton-Melville) has introduced a private member’s bill that would bring the law in line with what Canadians believe – that it is wrong to kill a girl simply because she is a girl. Bill C-233, the Sex Selective Abortion Act, is set to be debated in mid-April in the House of the Commons, so the timing is ideal for drawing attention to the issue of sex selective abortion in Canada.
If you don’t live in London, you can still be involved in raising awareness about sex selective abortion and raising support for the Sex Selective Abortion Act! Here are a few things you can do today:

Sign the petition!
MP Cathay Wagantall has an official parliamentary petition in support of her call to end sex selective abortion. Even if you have already signed a paper petition on this issue, you can still sign and share the e-petition – it only takes a minute.
MP Cathay Wagantall has an official parliamentary petition in support of her call to end sex selective abortion. Even if you have already signed a paper petition on this issue, you can still sign and share the e-petition – it only takes a minute.

Write a letter to the editor!
In 250 words or less, explain the issue of sex selective abortion and express your support for the bus ads, or for the Sex Selective Abortion Act. If you need help with this, please feel free to contact us for a draft letter.
In 250 words or less, explain the issue of sex selective abortion and express your support for the bus ads, or for the Sex Selective Abortion Act. If you need help with this, please feel free to contact us for a draft letter.

Attend our Lobbying 101 Webinar!
Talking to your MP doesn’t have to be intimidating. Register for our webinar on March 30, 2021 to get tips on meeting with your MP, from how to book a meeting to watching a mock MP visit.
Talking to your MP doesn’t have to be intimidating. Register for our webinar on March 30, 2021 to get tips on meeting with your MP, from how to book a meeting to watching a mock MP visit.

Attend our Lobbying 101 Webinar!
Talking to your MP doesn’t have to be intimidating. Register for our webinar on March 30, 2021 to get tips on meeting with your MP, from how to book a meeting to watching a mock MP visit.
Talking to your MP doesn’t have to be intimidating. Register for our webinar on March 30, 2021 to get tips on meeting with your MP, from how to book a meeting to watching a mock MP visit.

Email your MP!
Let your MP know you will be following the debate on Bill C-233, the Sex Selective Abortion Act, and ask them to support it. Let them know you value gender equality from the earliest stages of life. Our SimpleMail is a great tool, as it gives you a place to start and will walk you through what to write and where to send it.
Let your MP know you will be following the debate on Bill C-233, the Sex Selective Abortion Act, and ask them to support it. Let them know you value gender equality from the earliest stages of life. Our SimpleMail is a great tool, as it gives you a place to start and will walk you through what to write and where to send it.

Fundraise for bus ads!
We still have the freedom to share the pro-life message, and we should take every opportunity to do so. If you’re interested in bringing a pro-life message to your city’s buses let us know – we are happy to help you with graphics and communication.
We still have the freedom to share the pro-life message, and we should take every opportunity to do so. If you’re interested in bringing a pro-life message to your city’s buses let us know – we are happy to help you with graphics and communication.

Add a frame to your profile picture!
We’ve created a “Defend Girls” Facebook frame that you can add to your Facebook profile picture until the end of April.
We’ve created a “Defend Girls” Facebook frame that you can add to your Facebook profile picture until the end of April.
Together, we can spread the message of these ads much further!