Some promises are better unkept. Across the country, it’s very possible for women to access government-funded abortion. The abortion pill is approved and funded in all provinces and can now be prescribed at a physician’s office or a community and public health clinic. There is clearly no need to prioritize more abortions. And yet, as seen in the National Post article pictured here, abortion advocates continue to worry about women who are unable to access abortions.
What gets lost in the push for more abortion access is the very real scenario of unwanted abortions. It’s very common for women to feel like they have no choice but abortion. It’s not empowering to these women to ensure they have quicker access to abortion. Rather, if we want to promote a woman’s well-being, we would do better to support pregnancy care centers and other community resources that equip her to fulfill her calling as a mother. We need to stop the lie that women can only flourish if they can end the lives of their pre-born children.
We don’t need more funding to go to abortions. We do need laws that deal with the question of the humanity and corresponding human rights of pre-born children. The results will be better for both mother and child.