How good it was to see crowds of pro-lifers gathering once again outside provincial and federal legislative buildings to call for protection for pre-born children! Thank you to everyone who took the time to attend one of these marches and add your voice for the voiceless.

Now it’s time to put the momentum from these marches into action. Our federal and provincial representatives need to continue to hear from us all year long in other ways. We’ve seen how sustained effort has built serious momentum in the United States, and we need to imitate that dedication to the cause. Email your MP today, calling on them to take action to restrict abortion in Canada. Remind them that every other democratic country in the world has found a way to protect pre-born children at some stage of pregnancy. We have some draft emails to get you started, or feel free to write your own!
Keep your eyes on your email for more newsletters from us and expect to see specific action items coming through as we work to fight the barrage of pro-abortion rhetoric coming in response to events in the U.S. We need to keep pushing for the rights of pre-born children and the need for Canada to wake up and protect these vulnerable human beings.