In May, we encourage supporters to attend a March for Life if there’s one nearby, and we also promote Life Week, a whole week around the March for Life to share the pro-life message in our schools, churches, and neighbourhoods. A supporter took the opportunity to put up a four-window display in the downtown thrift store she manages in Langley, B.C. With a plan in mind, she and her colleagues spent months collecting the necessary items for a display that honours life from conception to natural death.
Fiona Jansen writes, “We have four windows and each one features a pro-life message which is written on a sign in the window. Each sign includes the words, “All lives matter from the womb to the tomb.”
The first window has a pregnant woman, a book open about a developing baby, and the Psalm 139 text “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.”

The second window features a book about adoption and the message that adoption is the living gospel.

The third window shows people with disabilities.

The fourth window features the elderly and has the book “I’ll love you forever” by Robert Munsch, open to the page of the son cradling his aged mother.

Passersby are shown the beauty and value of life at all stages, and reminded that there are those who care about them regardless of age, location, or ability.
Have you done something to promote the pro-life cause in your community? We’d love to hear about it and use your action to inspire even more action! You can always share your pro-life ideas with us at [email protected].