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Marches for Life get a response from politicians

15/05/2024 / Abortion 

Every year, in the second week of May, pro-life Canadians gather in provincial and federal capitals to march for life. These marches center around rallies featuring speakers and leaders active in the pro-life movement.

This year’s marches were no exception. We were privileged to take part in various ways in Edmonton, Toronto, Ottawa, Victoria, and Winnipeg. Our bright new signs made a clear statement in photos of the event!

While the media typically neglects to cover the March for Life, we saw significant reaction this year from both provincial and federal leaders.

Every provincial party in BC responded to the march. Click on any of the images below to see these leaders’ responses.

BC United:

BC Conservatives:


BC Green Party:

In Alberta, MLAs who spoke at the march were named and an article was published to express abortion activists “concern” that these individual MLAs would be publicly pro-life.

In Ottawa, NDP member of Parliament Leah Gazan spoke at the pro-abortion counter protest, aligning herself with radical abortion activists.

The March for Life will not result in legislative change on its own, but it is a valuable piece of the broader movement to end abortion in Canada. It is an opportunity for the pro-life movement to come together around the cause and be reinvigorated for the day-to-day action that is required if we want to change hearts and minds on the issue of abortion. It is also a chance for pro-life leaders to confidently stand for life, or to stand on the other side – either way, they let us as voters know where they stand.

Seeing so much reaction from political leaders at both the provincial and the federal level shows us that, despite what they may say, every politician knows this debate is not closed. The pro-life movement has been successful in keeping the conversation going. We have been persistent, consistent, and committed. Everyone knows we aren’t going anywhere, no matter how much they may hate us.

Let’s prove them right. Let’s continue to stand together, unaffected by hate, undaunted by an apparent lack of progress. Let’s keep on speaking the truth, calling for the protection that pre-born human beings deserve. Let’s prove the theme of this year’s March for Life, that pre-born children lost to abortion will never be forgotten.

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