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People’s Party of Canada prepared to protect pre-born children

06/03/2025 / Abortion 

We Need a Law exists to mobilize grassroots pro-life action and to work with political leaders to pass laws protecting pre-born children. As federal parties prepare for a likely upcoming election, they are honing their platforms and making their claims. The People’s Party of Canada (PPC) is the first to dedicate an entire webpage on their platform to the issue of abortion. (The Christian Heritage Party also has a page on their website  dedicated to life issues, including abortion.) It is encouraging to see a party at the federal level willing to use strong language on the need for an abortion law in Canada.

The PPC platform states that “The People’s Party believes it is time for Canada to join the civilized world by enacting reasonable restrictions on abortion that balance the rights of the mother with the protection of unborn life.”

They follow that statement with specific promises that they will:

Foster a National Debate on Abortion

Break the taboo surrounding abortion and encourage an open, respectful, and fact-based discussion on this issue. Challenge other political parties to explain why they believe killing a healthy and viable unborn child is morally acceptable and should remain legal.

Align Canada with International Standards on Abortion

Introduce the Protection of Preborn Children Act to bring Canada in line with the laws of other civilized countries, where abortion is gradually restricted after the first trimester and late-term abortions are prohibited except in exceptional circumstances. PPC MPs will be free to vote on the issue of abortion according to their conscience.”

While such steps would still fail to recognize the inherent worth of all pre-born children, these would be significant steps forward for pre-born children in Canada. These promises show an understanding that the majority of Canadians would support some restrictions on abortion. They also introduce scientific evidence and a goal to have respectful discussion rather than fear-mongering and division.

As the federal election gets closer, be ready to talk to candidates in your riding about their party’s stance on abortion. Be prepared to speak up in favour of laws restricting abortion, and to remind would-be leaders of their responsibility to protect the vulnerable. Ask openly what they think about late-term abortion, or sex-selective abortion, or simply about abortion in general. We have a printable fact sheet with sample questions to ask candidates that can be a great way to get these conversations going with your representative.

It is not an easy conversation, because protecting pre-born children means larger societal change. If there is no abortion, we need to rethink how we value and support women and children, how we create economic opportunities and provide support that may not currently exist, and we need to admit that not all choices are choices we can be allowed to make. But these are conversations worth having. If a candidate cannot fathom a society without abortion, or think of policies that would support a culture of life, perhaps they aren’t the person you want as your leader.

Let’s encourage all the federal parties to follow the example of the PPC and develop clear, actionable policies to restrict abortion.

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