Since our first massive display of 100,000 flags on Parliament Hill in 2014, our flags have been used over 100 times across the country. These pink and blue flags represent the pre-born lives lost annually to abortion in Canada. We have also done displays with 10,000 flags where each flag represents 10 lives lost.
If you’re interested in coordinating a display in your community, here is a list of steps to get you started!
- Contact us to see when the flags are available in your area
- Scout out a good location. You want good visibility from traffic, pedestrians, or both.
- Measure the space – do you want to do 1,000 flags, 10,000 flags, or 100,000 flags?
- Choose a date and apply for an event permit with your city.
- Recruit volunteers! You’ll want approximately 5 volunteers per 1000 flags
- Contact us for promotional materials and support – we will work with you to get you a flag display kit that includes banners, lawn signs, and postcards and brochures for distribution.