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Opponents of Bill C-225 jeopardize women and choice

18/10/2016 / Press Releases 

For Immediate Release

Ottawa, ON – Those who spoke against Bill C-225 (Protection of Pregnant Women and Their Preborn Children Act or “Cassie and Molly’s Law”) in this evening’s debate are endangering Canadian women and the choices they make. They may not be doing so in principle, but certainly in effect.

Bill C-225 addresses gender-based violence, specifically by protecting pregnant women who have chosen to carry their child to term.

“It is shocking that the Liberals and NDP are opposed to a bill that is designed to protect choice,” said Mike Schouten of “Cassie, who the bill is named for, chose life for her daughter Molly, but Cassie was murdered before her baby could be born. Under our laws their killer will not be brought to justice for taking the life of her daughter without her consent.”

“If the Liberals and NDP truly believed that a woman’s choice is paramount, then they would have no problem justifying a woman’s choice to have a legal abortion while also supporting a law against the violent crime of killing a fetus when the pregnant woman has not chosen abortion. If they cannot do this, the only option they support is abortion, which is really no longer a choice at all.”

If choice is removed from the equation, there is nothing to distinguish a legal abortion from a violent attack on a pregnant woman that results in the death of her wanted child.

“Opposing C-225 out of fear that it will endanger abortion has the effect of endangering women. Because the Liberals and NDP are so fixated on abortion, perpetrators of violence against pregnant Canadian women, like Cassie, will continue to get away with their horrific crimes,” concluded Schouten.

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