September 1, 2021
Ottawa, ON
The Liberals finally released their election platform today, and for a party that is constantly demonizing the Conservatives for even allowing discussion on things like sex selective abortion, they spill a considerable amount of ink themselves in doing that very thing – discussing abortion.
The 86-page platform, titled “Forward. For Everyone.” includes numerous commitments to expanding so-called “reproductive health” services across the country. The Liberals fixation with the targeted killing of pre-born children is so entrenched in their vision for this country that Canadians can safely assume this party under the leadership of Justin Trudeau is pro-only-one-choice: abortion.
While their leadership is having tragic consequences for the 100,000+ pre-born children who are removed from their mother’s wombs every year in Canada, equally concerning is the Liberals antagonistic approach to pregnancy care centres.
“It was disappointing to read in the Liberals’ platform that they intend to remove charitable status for centres focusing on helping women facing an unintended pregnancy,” said Tabitha Ewert, spokesperson for We Need a Law. “These pregnancy care centres are on the frontlines of assisting some of the most vulnerable people in society and regularly help women make informed choices that set them on the path to a better life,” said Ewert.
Pregnancy care centres can be found in both large and small cities across the country and are at ground zero for women who experience an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy.
“These much-needed centres receive no government funding and rely solely on donations from individuals who also care for women and children,” continued Ewert. “They are staffed mainly by volunteers. And the care they offer extends well beyond pregnancy or the moment of birth, miscarriage, or abortion. In very practical ways they come alongside people in need to enable them to transition well into motherhood.”
Pregnancy care centres need our support as they provide real help to women facing unplanned pregnancy. Abortion is a bandage solution to many deeper problems faced by women; problems pregnancy care centres meet with real solutions and meaningful options. Rather than taking the aggressive approach that the Liberals have in their election platform, we need party leaders who take a compassionate, clear, and caring stance on supporting vulnerable women who are making important decisions concerning their personal health as well as that of their pre-born child.
“The Liberals have presented the other parties with an opportunity to come out in support of women and children who rely on these centres for help,” said Ms. Ewert. “Women need to know that their government cares about real choice for women, not only a single choice.” concluded Ewert.
For further comment please contact
Tabitha Ewert (EDT) at 1-866-410-9625 // [email protected]