


Send Canadians a message about the reality very few know: Canada has NO abortion law.


Reach Canadians with the censored message from our billboards. Stand with friends and hold up a message to get people thinking: is this okay?


Whenever works for you! Initially we ran the campaign for one week of mornings at busy intersections, to reach commuters. But whether you want to do this in the morning, afternoon, evening or during the day in front of a local politician’s office, we’re thrilled to know you’re putting these SignsUp! in your community.

Lead your friends, family, Bible study, youth group, or colleagues in a week of pro-life activism!

Find signs near you here.

Questions? Contact us at [email protected]

Your donation means that our voices for the pre-born will never be silent.

We are so thankful for all our donors who make this work possible. We Need a Law is a non-profit organization overseen by a Board of Directors that ensures we are accountable for all funds raised. You can be confident that the money you give goes directly to the campaign for legislation protecting pre-born children in Canada!

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