Can Canada catch up to the U.S. in protection for pre-born children?

15/01/2016 / Abortion 



In 2015, the United States saw an incredible 57 pro-life laws enacted, between 17 states, with almost every single state at least considering increased restrictions on abortion.  The Guttmacher Institute released a study to this effect, pointing out that in only 5 years, 288 abortion restrictions have been introduced, only a few short of those enacted in the previous 15 years combined.

This is reason for hope, also here in Canada. The government in the United States is recognizing the changing tide, as the pro-abortion movement grows older and sticks to the same tired, self-centered arguments, while the pro-life movement has both faith and ever-increasing science on their side. Most of the laws made in the U.S. are compatible with restrictions most Canadians also agree with, and it is up to our government to take on it’s long-shirked responsibility to make laws in this field. 

The pro-abortion movement is getting nervous, as evidenced in articles reminding us there is a war on women afoot. I’m a woman, and I can’t say I feel particularly under attack for not being allowed to kill my children, but clearly I don’t speak for us all.

Read our full article about last year’s successes in the U.S., and what this means for Canada and Canadians, here.

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