The Missing Project documentary tells the story of Canada’s lack of abortion law, and how we got to this point. This story needs to be told to prevent history from repeating itself. Will you help us spread the word by showing the film to your family, friends, church, study group, and community? Screenings will be available from September 15 to December 31.
For a screening fee of $100, you will receive:
- A one-time downloadable link to the film
- 10 DVDs of the film to distribute at the event
- Discussion questions to guide a conversation after the screening
What you will need for the screening:
- Laptop
- Projector
- Quality speakers
- Screen
We recommend a minimum of 30 people at each screening. It is your choice whether you want to charge for entrance or for the DVDs to recoup your costs, or provide the event for free.
From there, make it your own! Snacks, debate, critiques…these all enhance the experience of watching Canada’s story!
If you’d like to attend a screening but don’t want to organize it, you can also visit the website to see if there is a screening happening near you that has space available.