Private Members’ Bills list released

07/12/2021 / Action Items 

Not too long ago we talked to you about how valuable Private Members’ Bills are in advancing protections for pre-born children. Individual pro-life MPs have the opportunity to push the conversation forward by introducing a Private Member’s Bill on abortion, like MP Wagantall did with the Sex Selective Abortion Act.

Each Parliament, a new list is drawn by lottery to determine the order for Private Members’ business.

That list has been released – and we need you to get involved. The first 70 on the list have a real possibility of having a bill introduced and debated in the next 12-18 months. 

Some of the MPs on this list are pro-life and need your encouragement to use this opportunity to put forward a pro-life bill. If your member of Parliament is on this list, please take a moment to email your MP today. Your encouragement could be the reason they decide to introduce a bill that protects pre-born children.

And even if you aren’t in their riding, please take a moment today to consider which of the MPs above you can reach out to! Ask them to think about being a champion for pre-born human rights, and to introduce legislation at the earliest opportunity that advances the discussion about the need for abortion laws in Canada.

Use our draft laws as part of your email request

We have created one-page graphics that summarize the three initiatives that we believe would be great first steps towards protecting pre-born children. We encourage you to download and suggest one or more of them to the MPs you email as part of the call to action above.

Sex Selective Abortion Law
Pre-born Victims of Crime Law
International Standards Abortion Law

We know that the majority of Canadians support these commonsense restrictions on abortion. Remind your MP that the pro-life position is not a fringe position, and that most Canadians do not support the status quo of abortion at any gestational age, for any reason.

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