Things you can do.

Email your representative
Email your representative with one of our handy SimpleMails that can be personalized and sent here. It will take less than 20 minutes to send a letter and make your voice heard!

Distribute flyers in your neighbourhood
We’ve created a variety of mailbox flyers to spread the message.
- Canada has no abortion law. We need an International Standards Abortion law.
- We need a law banning sex selective abortion.
- We need a pre-born victims of crime law
Follow some simple instructions to ensure that your efforts are efficient and effective:
- Pick a Saturday (or any day of the week), get some volunteers together and go around a neighbourhood delivering them to homes until they're all gone.
- These do not need to go into a mailbox. In fact, it will be more visible, and you will be able to deliver them more quickly, if you simply slide them between the door and the weatherstripping. This way as soon as the homeowner opens the door they are presented with your message. Also, many homes no longer have mailboxes – especially in townhouse complexes.
- In regular subdivisions, each volunteer should be able to deliver about 40 flyers per hour. This gives you an idea of how many volunteers you will need, and how long ask them to commit to.
- Have fun and if it goes well don’t hesitate to order some more!
Contact our team at [email protected] to receive flyers today!

Send postcards to government officials
Send a postcard to your government officials asking them to put forward a law to protect pre-born children. Here are the postcards we have available:
- Canada has no abortion law. We need a law.
- We need a law banning sex selective abortion.
- We need a parental notification law so that no teenager has an abortion unsupported (provincial)
Contact our team at [email protected] to receive postcards today!

Build relationships with your local representatives
There are many ways to build relationships with your local representatives:
- In-person or via Zoom meeting. This is the most effective way to build a relationship, face to face. Contact your representative’s office by phone or email to set up a meeting.
- Email. Great for regular engagement. Send an email when you want to comment on a particular issue, but also send a brief note of encouragement or a holiday message at other times of the year to help establish a relationship. Our SimpleMail tool is a great way to get started with this.
- Phone. Members of Parliament or provincial legislatures get very few phone calls from concerned members in their ridings. A phone call makes them stop and take notice in a way e-mail cannot, so we strongly encourage taking the time to make a phone call about current issues! Remember to maintain a respectful, calm tone and be prepared so you can clearly explain why you are calling. Follow up with sending an email within the next 24 hours, again thanking him/her for taking the time to listen.
For more tips on a productive visit and some basic talking points, visit our Building a Relationship page.

Organize a Signs Up display
Want to do SignsUp! with your school club? Maybe you want to use the signs to send a message to your provincial legislature. Or maybe you and your friends want to educate commuters at a busy intersection near you.
The signs are available for use and we will work with you to coordinate dates and location, and assist you as much as possible in sharing this message in your community.
- Why? Send Canadians a message about the reality very few know: Canada has NO abortion law.
- How? Reach Canadians with the censored message from our billboards. Stand with friends and hold up a message to get people thinking: is this okay?
- When? Whenever works for you! Initially we ran the campaign for one week of mornings at busy intersections, to reach commuters. But whether you want to do this in the morning, afternoon, evening or during the day in front of a local politician’s office, we’re thrilled to know you’re putting these SignsUp! in your community.
Lead your friends, family, Bible study, youth group, or colleagues in a week of pro-life activism!
Find signs near you here.
Questions? Contact us at [email protected]

Support your local pregnancy care center
Support vulnerable pregnant women and new moms in your community! Pregnancy care centers are the best way to reach those you might not otherwise be able to support.
- Find out where your closest pregnancy care center is located
- Call them to find out what they need – diapers, clothing, gas and grocery gift cards…
- Arrange a time to drop off a donation

Host a screening
Host a screening of the Missing Project, a 70-minute film that documents what is missing in our nation because of fifty years of legal abortion. Missing laws. Missing people. Missing information. Missing voices. Since 1969, abortion has been legal in Canada, and in 1988 the remaining law was struck down as unconstitutional. This has left Canada the only democratic country in the world with no abortion law. Watch to learn more about how this happened, how this status quo has become entrenched in Canada, and what can be done to change this.
Here are a few suggestions and general guidelines for organizing your event:
- Work with others: Consider partnering with other pro-life or human rights groups in your area, and other people you may know. This will not only help with the amount of work, it will also help spread the word to more people
- Confirm the date: Pick an evening that conflicts least with other like-minded functions in the area.
- Secure a venue: We recommend a minimum of 30 people at each screening. Make sure your venue fits a large group comfortably, and can provide or accommodate a laptop, projector, quality speakers and a screen.
- Advertise: Create a Facebook event and invite your friends. Create a poster, reminding people of the upcoming event and post in the local community newspapers and/or as a bulletin announcement. Consider charging a fee to re-coup the costs of a screening (when you put a price on something people are more invested).
Day of the event:
- Print out discussion questions (download here).
- Before the screening begins, provide the audience with a bit of information (ie. "Welcome to tonight's screening of The Missing Project! Here is a little bit of information about the film.") Make them aware that the film will begin with a short intro by the producer, Ryan Stockert.

Sign a petition
Grassroots democracy is exactly that, grassroots. It’s organic, and it’s the people of Canada who need to send the message to their leaders. It only takes 25 signatures to get something read in the House of Commons and this is a great opportunity to affect the policy in our country by using our freedom of expression.
Petition Tips:
- Signature, city, and province are all that is required.
- Any age can sign the petition.
- Bigger is not always better. Longer petitions can be split into smaller ones (a few pages each) which will allow a sympathetic MP to present the petition in the House of Commons many times.
- Make it most effective by asking to meet with your MP to discuss the issue and why it matters to you.
- Petitions remain relevant for a long time. Please keep at it and continue to drop off copies at your MP’s office.
- If your MP is hostile to the cause, you may send the petitions to any other MP instead. Even if your MP does not support the petition, they are duty-bound to present petitions from people in their riding.
For a list of guidelines for petitions to the House of Commons click here.

Invite us to do a presentation
Educating and motivating the grassroots is a key part of our mission to get Canadians politically engaged to stand up for our vulnerable pre-born neighbours. Do you run a pro-life group, or want to introduce We Need a Law to your school or church group? We have a variety of presentations available for different age groups including:
- Pro-life 101
- Sex Selective Abortion
- The Abortion Pill
- International Standards Law
We’d be happy to customize a presentation for you!
Contact us at [email protected] to book today!

Organize a flag display
Since our first massive display of 100,000 flags on Parliament Hill in 2014, our flags have been used over 100 times across the country. These pink and blue flags represent the pre-born lives lost annually to abortion in Canada. We have also done displays with 10,000 flags where each flag represents 10 lives lost.
If you’re interested in coordinating a display in your community, here is a list of steps to get you started!
- Contact us to see when the flags are available in your area
- Scout out a good location. You want good visibility from traffic, pedestrians, or both.
- Measure the space – do you want to do 1,000 flags, 10,000 flags, or 100,000 flags?
- Choose a date and apply for an event permit with your city.
- Recruit volunteers! You’ll want approximately 5 volunteers per 1000 flags
- Contact us for promotional materials and support – we will work with you to get you a flag display kit that includes banners, lawn signs, and postcards and brochures for distribution.