New pro-life action toolkit
We have created a new grassroots action toolkit perfect for inspiring you to pro-life action!

We really believe that everyone can do something when it comes to advocating for pre-born children. Whether it’s as simple as sending an email to your member of Parliament or as involved as organizing a flag display or other community event, this toolkit is full of our most popular ideas from over a decade of pro-life action.

We have printed copies of this toolkit available at events and conferences, but if you can’t get out one of those we wanted to make sure this was still available to you! That’s why we’re sharing this free download that you can print locally or access online for inspiration and ideas.
If you have other pro-life action ideas, we’d love to hear from you. We are always looking for new ways to reach Canadians with the message that abortion is wrong, and Canada needs laws restricting it. We’d also love to hear how you’re using the ideas in this booklet in your community. Contact us at [email protected] to share your stories!