Defend Girls from sex selective abortion
Sex selective abortion is wrong. The majority of Canadians agree that using abortion for sex selection is wrong, yet Canada’s lack of abortion laws allows this practice to continue. Girls are aborted at a higher rate than boys simply because they are girls. In a country that claims to value equality, this is unacceptable. Standing up for the equal rights of women includes standing up for their right to be born. Click on the image to the right to download We Need a Law’s Position Paper.

Advocate for pre-born baby girls
Polls show that the majority of Canadians are opposed to sex-selective abortion. This is a cause that unites Canadians: sex selective abortion is wrong. You have the opportunity to engage our Member of Parliament and other Canadians in this important discussion about the need for a sex selective abortion law. Talk to your neighbours, colleagues, friends and MP about Canada’s lack of abortion laws, and the need for a law. With your help, we can work toward a law that equally values men and women from the earliest stages. Click on the image to the right to download our information page on this issue.
Be part of the change

Host an all pink flag display, representing the girls that lose their lives to sex selective abortion. Contact our team to book the flag kit today!

Send a empty pink envelope to your MP with the note: “This envelope represents the life of a girl who lost her life to sex selective abortion.”

We need a Sex Selective Abortion law
In February 2020, MP Cathay Wagantall introduced her private member’s bill, the Sex Selective Abortion Act. This bill would have made it illegal to abort a child based solely on his or her predicted sex.
On June 2, 2021, Parliament voted against the Sex Selective Abortion Act (Bill C-233) in a vote of 248 – 82.
It is time for Parliament to take a stand by making sex selective abortion illegal. Get involved to end this practice in Canada. Click on the image to the right to download our draft law.
For more action items and to order materials to help spread the word, visit DefendGirls.com
Additional Resources:
- Canadian Medical Association Journal articles:
- Sex ratios among Canadian liveborn infants of mothers from different countries
- Sex ratios at birth after induced abortion
- CBC news report: http://www.cbc.ca/news/thenational/unnatural-selection-1.1682480
- CTV news report: http://www.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=847280
- Family balancing article (it’s not just girls who need defending!): https://weneedalaw.ca/blog/544-sex-selective-abortion-canada